速報APP / 新聞與雜誌 / The EducationHQ App

The EducationHQ App





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



聯絡地址:221 Kerr St Fitzroy VIC 3065 Australia

The EducationHQ App(圖1)-速報App

Australia’s number one education publication - now available to download

The country’s largest independent magazine for education professionals is packed with spin-free national, state and territory news, information and inspiring stories direct from the government, independent and Catholic primary and secondary schools sectors. Download the app to get access to extra interactive content, our informative Guide series, and all 10 magazine sections:

- News: the education latest stories from home and abroad

- Forum: letters and comments alongside hard-hitting opinion pieces

- Cover story: an in-depth look at key education issues

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- In the Classroom: outstanding educators, innovative projects, tips and resources

- ICT in Education: news, classroom projects and tips with a tech slant

- PD: conference previews, reviews and PD news

- Listings: PD events from more than 150 teacher associations

- Around the Traps: educators’ achievements outside the classroom

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- In the Staffroom: trivia and quizzes to exercise the grey matter

- Teacher jobs: careers news, awards, scholarships and the latest recruiter listings